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Skylight Feature Ceiling by Mere UK

Mere UK have just installed a Skylight feature ceiling in the main reception at Holy Spirit RC Primary School in St. Helens.

The image was produced and cut to size to enable it to be fitted into the grid. It is then raised up 20mm to give a window pane effect, or a perception of depth.

The scene is then back-lit with daylight T5 Tubes. The scene can also be provided with dimming if required. The natural lighting makes the image colour really vivid.




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add_filter( 'gform_incomplete_submissions_expiration_days', 'change_incomplete_submissions_expiration_days' ); function change_incomplete_submissions_expiration_days( $expiration_days ) { GFCommon::log_debug( 'gform_incomplete_submissions_expiration_days: running.' ); $expiration_days = 182; return $expiration_days; }